Saturday, October 18, 2014

Turning a Photo into a Painting: Oils and Pastels

Back when I was painting (and I might take it up again, who knows), if I had a preference, I would do all art from life.  But that was not always possible.  So I sometimes took one of my photos and used it to remind myself of the color, texture, composition, etc.  Then, too, it was far simpler to use a photo than to schlep everything outdoors, sit there hoping the light wouldn't shift too badly before I got the basic sun/shadow patterning down ... and the bugs and rain would stay away.  Because of these various complications, one of my main considerations for painting outdoors became less the subject than the location.  (I figured if I was comfortable, something in the scene would lend itself to be painted.)  However, if the subject was really good but the location poor, I'd take a photo and work it up later.   

Here, then, are three oil paintings and three pastels that I did from photos.

The oil paintings (Vermont):


High Wind

Early Morning on Kipling Road

Peach Orchard

The pastels (Santa Fe):

Camino Lilacs

Camino May

Gallery Roses

Next week:  Turning a Photo into a Painting:  Watercolors

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