Wednesday, May 18, 2016

How About ... ?

  • When opening envelopes that contain monthly bills, how about not being given a lot of extraneous slips of paper that you just have to toss, lamenting the waste.
  • When asking a man a question about something, how about not having him go into a long spiel about how the thing was made--with talk about gaskets, fuel lines, etc. 
  • When getting catalogs in the mail, how about not receiving them so far in advance that it's still (let's say) spring when you get the late-summer/early-fall version.
  • How about having the opportunity to get/use a Simple Computer, not one with thousands of options that you have no intention of ever looking at.  So, an ala carte version.
  • Ditto the selection (and therefore the cost) of cable TV channels. I never watch sports. Okay, maybe once every four years, I might pay attention to some of the winter Olympics, but that's all.  But I pay a price as if I watch sports by the hour.  As it is, I don't even watch many channels.  Only a very few. So why not give me an ala carte option and let me select the channels I want to watch and then cut out the rest so that my monthly bill will be considerably less!
  • When talking with someone (usually in sales or service), how about not having them answer the question they think you're going to ask, but actually paying attention to the question you ARE asking.
  • Or, if they don't know the answer, how about not having them beat around the bush with the obvious.  ("If your indicator light comes on and you don't know if it's for a flat tire or low tire pressure, just go to the nearest gas station and ask them.")  (Well, of course, but that implies that gas stations of that nature still exist, not simply the sort where you go in and buy a bag of chips.  If you were to ask a car-related question, you can imagine the look you'd get from the person behind the cash register.)
  • How about having the town's regular old car wash back in service, not the new self-serve kind that you have to figure how to use and then hope you don't get stuck inside because you accidentally did something involving the wrong button.
  • Well, you get the picture.

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