Monday, August 12, 2019

Doing a Lot of Nothing Much

I've been doing a lot of nothing much lately.  (Don't get me wrong:  nothing much can be wonderful.  And it can also be called Reducing the Toxic Load.) For one thing, it's been too hot to do anything much.

Even if it weren't too hot, I don't go out much.  I'm no good at shopping.  I don't feel I need anything.  And then I don't much like looking for a place to park, going off in the hot sun to put money in the ticket machine, then going back to put the ticket on the dashboard.  I did manage to find some pretty earrings for a family member who recently had her ears pierced. Afterwards, I considered getting an ice cream cone across the street, but I didn't even do that.  I just went back to the car and drove home where I can look out the window at the sunlight filtering through the white pines. Or think about a recent painting I did in a watercolor class.  Or read my current book.

Sometimes when it's especially hot, I'll get in my car, turn on the A/C, and drive around.  But to get out of here, I have to choose.  Do I go the front way with all its traffic and trucks that will be shooting off onto the interstate? Or do I go the back way, a pretty dirt road where I can then go to a little farm stand and get homemade cookies, veggies, frozen meat?  (I often choose the latter.)

As I emailed a friend recently, I think we should all be required to spend at least a day in the country now and again.  It helps balance, cleanse, and enable one to get back to basics.  But choose a back road to get there.  No heavy traffic!

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