Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Santa Fe Medley

No, it's not paper.

I did get to Santa Fe this time--two weeks there plus a few days en route taking the train.  No weather problems or cancellations this time as occurred with my proposed trip in January.  Actually, except for running smack into juniper pollen allergy season, it was better to wait.  For one thing, the temperatures were more amenable despite the fact that those high desert days were still brisk enough to require a coat. And then what with all the winter storms that hit my part of the country, some more than once a week, I was glad to be home and able to look after my house.  Power, furnace, roof gutters (which, incidentally, all came off one particularly icy day).

So I did my usual Santa Fe thing of wandering around town looking in art galleries, trying out some old and new restaurants (which I'll talk about next time), and thoroughly enjoying that high, dry, sunny climate.  Here is a medley of photos illustrating this appealingly photogenic part of the country.

Next week:  Food!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing! I wonder what it looks like when it is green out...
